The Club’s Transactions
If you wish to search the combined index for the Transactions, Transactions Extra and HAN please use the SEARCH option at the top left of the Home Page. You can put in keywords and download the volumes which come up on the 'hit list'. The page number as given is that of the printed volume page, so if you download or look online scroll through the document. Please do not use a restricted range of years when you SEARCH as this is unreliable. For example, most of the entries for 1940 and 1941 were indexed as 1939; they are in the same volume anyway. The Club's anniversary volume A Herefordshire Miscellany produced in 2000 is indexed but the text is not available online yet. The Miscellany Contents pages can be found here but the full text is not indexed, only the titles of the papers and their authors.
Images of issues within the last 10 years will only be accessible to Club members but the Table of Contents, the Index and Book Reviews for recent volumes are available to non-members from links here.
The Club's Transactions have been published for the years 1852-date. The links below are given per year but the printed volumes were scanned and loaded to the website per volume so there may be a number of years per volume. Nowadays there is only one year per volume. Please note that January to April 1902 will be found at the end of the 1900/1901 volume. The years 1942-1945 form one volume - do not restrict a SEARCH to one of these years as the index is joint. The colour plates in recent issues will be found at the end of the document.In 2005 the existing printed indexes were made into an online searchable version which is updated every year. The early indexes were not comprehensive, so if you have problems finding a reference or an entry check adjoining pages or years, or try an associated keyword. A fuller version of these notes can be found here.
The names and addresses of Club members printed in the paper versions within the last 45 years have been removed from the online versions to comply with privacy legislation. Copyright of articles remains with the authors or the Woolhope Club and illustrations cannot be reproduced without permission of the relevant owners or archives.