Search Our Archives

Search Our Archives

Source locations

Reference copies of the Transactions are available at Hereford central library and some other Herefordshire libraries and Herefordshire Archives. The Club's own library has reference copies and also lending copies for Club members only. See the Club Library tab under Woolhope Club for library details or get in touch with the librarian via Contact Us if you would like copies of articles from volumes not yet online.

Search hints

The keywords you put in the ‘Search term’ box are ANDed i.e. if you put HEREFORD CASTLE in it will find items where both ‘Hereford’ and ‘castle’ are present. Tick or untick the items which you wish to be searched. Although you can limit the search to a year range, be aware that quite a lot of items do not have a year value attached to them, so you will omit results you might want. The search cannot handle wild cards at the moment, so think about putting in plurals as well. The results are presented in the order of ‘TYPE’ alphabetically and then ‘EDITION’, usually the year, in reverse order.

All the HANs are available to download; Transactions for the last 10 rolling years are for members only but increasingly historic issues will be available. It is recommend therefore that you read the whole article and not confine yourself to the page numbers given; some of the older Transactions are in 3-year volumes so check the years either side if you can’t find the reference.

In 2005 the Heritage Lottery Fund supported the Club’s project to provide an online index to the Transactions using the indexes published to that date and also to index and reproduce in electronic form Herefordshire Archaeological News (HAN), the journal of the Club’s Archaeological Research Section. You can read more about both publications under the PUBLICATIONS tab, where you can also download the printed volumes of the index to the Transactions up to 2005. That index contained 37,000 entries; it has been brought up-to-date and will be kept so. The index to the HANs has been completed to the last issue (HAN 83) from 2015.

These two indexes are used when you choose to search the Transactions and/or HAN. Be aware that an index is only as good as its compiler and you must be prepared to think laterally.

The other material on the website is keyworded to a high level as there is just too much material to index so, again, choose likely subjects then read the resulting material.