Geoffrey Walter Smith Fund
When Geoffrey Walter Smith (1929- 1998) died he left the Club a collection of photographs and a substantial financial legacy, although he was not a Club member. He lived quietly in Hereford in a road not far from the Rose & Crown pub on the Ledbury Road. There is an article about him and his photographs in A Herefordshire Miscellany, 2000, pp.27-36.
It was decided that the Club should set up a fund in his name and use the income from his legacy to support publications about Herefordshire within the Club’s sphere of interest. Latterly the club has also made grants from the fund towards projects such as archaeology. Many of the publications have benefited from extra help with the cost of colour illustrations, for example. A list of publications supported is given below.
More information about applying for a grant from the fund can be found by contacting the GWS chairman via CONTACT US. Grants must be sought well before printing and publication.