Transactions Extra

Transactions Extra

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Online Supplement to Church Chests in Herefordshire Revisited: New Perspectives on Their Dates and Construction, by Rachel Anna Sycamore

Mary Lloyd Wynne of Coed Coch and Alfred Osten Walker of Colwyn Bay: two little known mycologists from North Wales, by Dr John Edmondson

Conflict and Complexity: Army and Gentry in Interregnum Herefordshire by Paul J. Pinckney

A tribute to Jim and Muriel Tonkin by Rosalind Lowe

The Monumental Mysteries of Goodrich church by Rosalind Lowe


Please note that both text and illustrations remain the copyright of the authors and of the institutions who allowed reproduction. Permission should be sought for re-use.

Details of Contents


Online Supplement to Church Chests in Herefordshire Revisited: New Perspectives on Their Dates and Construction, by Rachel Anna Sycamore

We're pleased to publish high-quality reference material to supplement Rachel Anna Sycamore’s paper - &lquote;Church Chests in Herefordshire Revisited: New Perspectives on their Dates and Construction&rquote; - published in 2023 (Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club (70) 2022, pp. 112-35). The information was too extensive for practical publication in our annual Transactions, but digital publication in Transactions Extra makes full supporting detail freely available. Since this approach can be so valuable in the right circumstances, the Club expects to work with authors to deploy it more often.

The supplement comprises first a series of reference tables, designed to enable researchers or people with a particular interest - for example, in their local church, a specific parish, or the history of ecclesiastical furniture - to identify what records have been made of each chest and where those records can be accessed. Secondly, photographs of seventy-three of the chests extant in Herefordshire are also provided, alphabetically listed by place.


Mary Lloyd Wynne of Coed Coch and Alfred Osten Walker of Colwyn Bay: two little known mycologists from North Wales, by Dr John Edmondson.

We are delighted to make Dr Edmondson’s paper available in Transactions Extra, in time for his address to the 125th anniversary conference of the British Mycological Society in April 2022. Dr Edmondson was formerly head of botany, then science, at Liverpool World Museum, part of National Museums, Liverpool, and is now an honorary research associate at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The 2021 volume of the Woolhope Club’s Transactions, to be published later in 2022, will include further biographical detail.

The paper brings alive the contribution of the two mycologists from North Wales and their role in the wide-ranging network of leading people, who developed the science in the second half of the 19th century. The Woolhope Club’s fungus forays, introduced by Dr Bull, played a prominent part in that network, acting as a magnet for leading mycologists.

The illustrations are a feature of the paper. They include photographs of key figures and even a cartoon of the ‘Hereford Fungus Festival’ of 1874. A fine selection of paintings, mainly by Mary Lloyd Wynne, forms an additional section at the end of the paper.

Dr Edmondson introduces his paper as follows:
‘One of the richest mycological sites in North Wales, discovered in the mid-19th century, was the estate of Coed Coch (‘Red Wood’) in Denbighshire. Its prominence in the early literature of British fungi was largely due to the efforts of the estate owner’s wife, Mary Anne Frances Lloyd Wynne (née Haggitt), who also prepared watercolours of the fungi. She is distinguished by having not only several species of fungi named for her but also one, or possibly two, genera. She collaborated with a local naturalist, Alfred Osten Walker, and hosted fungus forays at Coed Coch, involving the leading mycologists associated with the Woolhope Naturalists’ Field Club in the late-19th century, including Miles Berkeley, Christopher Broome, Henry Graves Bull, Mordecai Cubitt Cooke and James Renny. She participated in several of the Woolhope Club’s ground-breaking forays in Herefordshire and recorded fungi, not only from North Wales, but also from a variety of locations across Britain and continental Europe’


Conflict and Complexity: Army and Gentry in Interregnum Herefordshire by Paul J. Pinckney.
Professor Pinckney's research into the Interregnum started in the late 1950s and continued throughout his distinguished academic caeer at the University of Tennessee. See more details in the Biographical Details of Contributors in the main Transactions. The Club is pleased to be able to bring this research to the notice of the Club. There is an integral index in the paper at the end; the entries have also been added to the main website index. 


A tribute to Jim and Muriel Tonkin by Rosalind Lowe

Club members who have not seen Essays in honour of Jim & Muriel Tonkin, published by the Club in 2011, may be interested in this appreciation of Jim and Muriel’s work in Herefordshire from that volume. Muriel died in 2019 at the age of 101, joining the small but distinguished band of Woolhope Club centenarians.


The Monumental Mysteries of Goodrich church by Rosalind Lowe

Investigations for a Heritage Trail for the church has led to the possible identification of the only altar tomb there. Two stone carved heads hidden in a dark corner and the only surviving medieval stained glass have led to the 'English Achilles' and the last battle between private armies fought on English soil in 1469.

Digital publication in Transactions Extra

Today, the Club's Transactions are published every year in both printed and digital form, continuing an unbroken series that originated some 170 years ago.

Transactions Extra, our web only format, now enables the Club to publish more than would otherwise be possible. It offers flexibility, so that the Club can extend the capacity of the Transactions, publish at specific times and make available supporting data that supplements papers, but is too long for practical publication in the Transactions.

The same editorial standards apply to papers, whether published in the Transactions or in Transactions Extra. Material published in either format can be searched using the Club's search engine, so that the same help is always available to researchers and to people interested in topics covered by the Club's publications.